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Child Custody & Support

When going through a divorce or separation, the well-being of your children is of utmost importance. Our dedicated legal experts are here to provide you with insights, strategies, and support to navigate the complexities of child custody and ensure the best interests of your children are upheld.

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Child Custody: Putting Your Child First

Child custody refers to the legal and practical arrangements made for the care and upbringing of your children post-divorce or separation. Our goal is to help you establish a custody arrangement that provides stability and a nurturing environment for your children.

Types of Child Custody

Physical Custody: This refers to where the child will reside most of the time. Joint physical custody involves both parents sharing substantial time with the child, while sole physical custody involves one parent being the primary custodial parent.

Legal Custody:

Legal custody pertains to decision-making rights for the childs education, healthcare, religion, and other important matters. Joint legal custody involves both parents making these decisions together.

Visitation or Parenting Time:

Even if one parent has physical custody, the other parent usually has visitation rights or parenting time to maintain a meaningful relationship with the child.

Determining Child Custody

The primary consideration in determining child custody is the best interests of the child. Courts take into account several factors, including:

Parent-Child Relationship:

The existing relationship between the child and each parent is a crucial factor.

Stability and Home Environment:

The stability of each parents home environment and their ability to provide a safe and nurturing space for the child.

Childs Preference

Depending on the child's age and maturity, their preference might be considered.

Co-Parenting Ability:

Courts assess each parents willingness and ability to co-parent effectively.

Childs Needs:

The childs physical, emotional, and developmental needs are central to custody decisions.

Child Support: Ensuring Financial Well-Being

Child support is financial assistance provided by one parent to the custodial parent to cover the costs of raising the child. It's intended to ensure that the child's needs are met in terms of education, healthcare, housing, and more.

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Calculating Child Support

Child support calculations vary by jurisdiction and are typically based on factors such as:


The income of both parents is a significant determinant in calculating child support.

Custody Arrangement:

The amount of time the child spends with each parent can influence the support amount.

Childs Needs:

The child's specific needs, including education, medical care, and extracurricular activities, are considered.

Standard of Living:

Courts often strive to maintain a similar standard of living for the child as they had during the marriage. is your trusted partner in safeguarding your child's well-being during challenging times. Our team of compassionate and skilled lawyers is committed to securing the best possible outcome for your child custody and support arrangements.CONTACT US today for a consultation and take the first step toward ensuring your child's future is protected.